Cris nathrach mo chris...

Cris nathrach mo chris, nathair ima·tá:
náram·gonat fir, náram·millet mná.

(belt * of snake * my * belt * snake * that is around /
may not wound me * men * may not destroy me * women)

My belt is a snake belt, a snake that wraps around:
may men not wound me, may women not destroy me!

This couplet is taken from what is known as the “Klosterneuburg Incantation”, which Stokes edited in RC II (1875), and which was discussed and further edited on Old-Irish-L in December, 2004. A comprehensive new edition of the incantation is now available:

David Stifter, “Die Klosterneuburger lorica”, in: Kelten-Einfälle an der Donau. Akten des 4. Symposiums deutschsprachigen Keltologinnen und Keltologen. Philologische – Historische – Archäologische Evidenzen. Konrad Spindler (1939–2005) zum Gedenken. (Linz/Donau, 17.–21. Juli 2005), Herausgegeben von Helmut Birkhan unter Mitwirkung von Hannes Tauber, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2007, 503–527

Topics: Verse Incantations & Spells