Muiredach cecha mennata.

Muiredach cecha mennata.

(master * of every * locality)

A lord over every locality.

It is a sign of lawless times when every little locality has its own independent ruler (as is currently the case in Somalia, for example). This expression is found in a poem by Beg mac Dé (edited by Meyer in ZCP 9, 169) which catalogues the sorry state of law and order in Ireland. A manuscript gloss clarifies the meaning as follows: “.i. tigerna for cech feronn .i. ni tibri nech tigernus diaraili” (i.e. a lord over each territory, i.e. no one will give (over)lordship to another).

The expression gets a positive spin in “Erchoitmed Ingine Gulidi”, where it appears in the form “Is muiredaig caich a menduta” (All are masters of their (own) locality). The implication here is “Every man’s home is his castle.”

Topics: Proverbial Sayings