West Cork, Ireland


Séard atá agat anseo ná díolaim de shleachta as litríocht mheánaoiseach na hÉireann. Tá idir sheanfhocail agus nathanna, bheannachtaí agus mhallachtaí, fhilíocht agus phrós, agus a lán eile sa rogha pearsanta seo. Tá cuid de na sleachta iomráiteach, agus tá cuid nach bhfuil. Tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh sult astu. Beidh mé ag cur leis an gcnuasach ó am go ham, agus cuirfidh mé fáilte roimh mholtaí i gcónaí.

Quotations from Early Irish Literature

I’ve gathered the quotations from a wide variety of published sources, and they date from a range of centuries. For both these reasons the spelling shows a good deal of variation. In the future, I’d like to impose a more consistent orthographic standard throughout the corpus, to the extent possible.

As for the categories, there are necessarily overlaps and gray areas. I have dealt with this by assigning some items to more than one category, and by making semi-arbitrary executive decisions about others. The distinction between “Maxims & Wise Counsel” and “Proverbial Sayings” is particularly vague at times. Generally speaking, the latter tend more toward commonplaces and clichéd expression rather than aphorisms or “good advice”.

I continue to add quotations to the site. You can see the latest on the Browse page, where the newest additions appear at the top. The number at the top of that page represents the current grand total of quotations.

The search engine will take you to all the entries that contain a particular word, whether Irish or English.

Ároisc, roscada, ríagail,
’s tecusca fíra Fithail,
dubláidi dindshenchais dait,
tecusca Cairpri is Chormaic.

Maxims, proverbs, principle,
and true teachings of Fíthal,
dark lays of placename lore for you,
teachings of Cairbre and Cormac.