Browse - page 11
Ní bhiann gort gan diasach fiadh...
Ní bhiann gort gan diasach fiadh…
(not * is habitually * field * without * ears of grain * wild)
There’s never a field of grain without some wild oats.
Ferr sobarthan iná imbed.
Ferr sobarthan iná imbed.
(better * prosperity * than * excess)
Better plenty than too much.
Ardibdaba dochell blátha.
Ardibdaba dochell blátha.
(will cut off * inhospitality * flowers)
Inhospitality will destroy flowers.
Is fér bó aenmachaidh ...
Is fér bó aenmachaidh, is geilt aengeóid, is milide oenbeich.
(is * grass * of cow * of one-field * is * grazing * of one goose * is * honey-pasture * of one bee)
It’s grass for one cow, grazing for one goose, flowers for one bee.
Ard bot fiaich ...
Ard bot fiaich ocainn, íseal bot con.
(high * tail * of raven * at-us * low * tail * of hound)
The raven’s tail is high for us and the hound’s tail is low.
Ní gilla i ngillaidecht é ...
Ní gilla i ngillaidecht é, ní óclach i n-óclachas, ocus ní gaiscedach i ngaisced.
(is not * page * in * pageship * he * is not * squire * in * squireship * and * is not * knight * in * knighthood)
His actions befit neither page nor squire nor knight.
cenn i mbolg
cenn i mbolg
(head * in * bag)
head in a bag
barae fri búire
barae fri búire
(wrath * against * rage)
anger in answer to anger
Is beó nech tar éis a anma...
Is beó nech tar éis a anma, ocus ní beó d’éis a einigh.
(is * living * one * after * his * soul * and * is not * alive * after * his * honor)
A man lives after losing his life, but he does not live after losing his honor.
Ní maith senóir gan seinsceoil.
Ní maith senóir gan seinsceoil.
(not * good * elder * without * old-story)
An old person should have tales to tell.