Fírinde inár croidhedhaibh...

Fírinde inár croidhedhaibh & nertt inár lámhaibh, & comall inár tengthaibh.

(truth * in our * hearts * & * strength * in our * hands / arms * & * fulfilment-of-promise * in our * tongues)

The truth in our hearts, the strength in our arms, and the truth in our tongues.

In the beginning pages of “Acallam na Senórach” Saint Patrick asks Caílte what kept Fionn Mac Cumhaill’s warrior band going all those years. (“Cia ro choimét sibh-si mar sin in bar m-beathaidh?”) The above is Caílte’s reply. A well-know adaptation of this into Modern Irish is “Glaine ár gcroí, agus neart ár ngéag, agus beart de réir ár mbriathair”.

Topics: The Characters Speak Proverbial Sayings