Robudh aíbhnes gan eocha dam-sa sin...

Robudh aíbhnes gan eocha dam-sa sin,
7 robudh chuirm gan chorna,
7 robudh chonách gan cheól,
7 robudh thigernas gan taithighe ,
7 robudh iasacht gan indlacad dam-sa.

(would be * festivity * without * horses * for me * that /
& would be * feast * without * drinking horns /
& would be * wealth * without * music /
& would be * lordship * without * visiting /
& would be * loan * without * repayment * for me)

That would be like a festival without horses for me,
and a feast without drinking horns,
and having wealth without music,
and being a lord without receiving guests,
and a loan without its return.

In the tale “Cath Maighe Léna”, Conn offers Eógan Mór the greater part of Ireland in order to avoid a costly battle. Conn withholds Temair, however. Eógan refuses the offer, which he considers incomplete, in these metaphorical terms.

Topics: Maxims & Wise Counsel Similes, Metaphors & Kennings