Sonus ocus degfhéth tria bithu d’fhir th’inaid do grés.
Sonus ocus degfhéth tria bithu d’fhir th’inaid do grés.
(prosperity * and * good healthy condition * through * ages * to men * of your position * for * ever)
Good fortune and good health throughout the ages to your successors forever!
This blessing is found in the Leabhar Breacc (p. 236 B, line 51).
A more long-winded blessing on a man’s successors, in which “fer th’inaid” makes two appearances, is found in “Betha Colmáin” (§70), where the saint says:
“Búaid n-échta ⁊ áithesa for fer th’inaid ⁊ cen a marbad ind ⁊ ní muirfidter nech ele úait a ndigail Conaill co brath ⁊ gurab é fer t’inaidh goires gairm ríg Temrach co brath!”
And in “Acallam na Senórach” (4183) Saint Patrick greets a regal looking young man surrounded by horses with:
“Uaitne rig umut, a maccaeim, ocus ac fir th’inaid it degaid!” (The support of kings around you, young man, and around your successors after you!)
For still more examples of the use of the “fir th’inaid” in blessings and curses, see “Dolma n-aithisc for fer th’inaid do grés” and “Rath fortsu dano ⁊ for fir t’inaid…” in this collection.
Topics: Blessings & Good Wishes