Maxims & Wise Counsel

Ferr síd sochocad.

Ferr síd sochocad.

(better * peace * (than) a successful war)

Peace is better than a successful war.

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Céin gair cech fán imthéit lén.

Céin gair cech fán imthéit lén.

(in long * in short * every * wandering * befalls * misfortune)

Sooner or later all wandering leads to grief.

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Eochair fessa foglaim.

Eochair fessa foglaim.

(key * of knowledge * learning)

Learning is the key to knowledge.

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Céin mair molthiar, mairg áerthiar.

Céin mair molthiar, mairg áerthiar.

(long * live * (who) is praised * woe * (who) is satirized)

Happy the one who is praised, woe to the one who is mocked.

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Ní hinunn fríth fo-geib cách.

Ní hinunn fríth fo-geib cách.

(not * equal * finding * gets * everyone)

Not everyone gets the same thing. (Life is unequal.)

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Eochair úaisle étach.

Eochair úaisle étach.

(key * of nobility * clothing)

Clothing is the key to nobility.

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Fáid cach sen.

Fáid cach sen.

(a prophet * every * old person)

Every old man is a prophet.

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Gáeth cech fossaid.

Gáeth cech fossaid.

(wise * every * steady one)

Every steady man is a sage.

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Eochair ferta féile.

Eochair ferta féile.

(key * of wonders * generosity)

Generosity is the key to marvels.

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Ro-segat renna na n-áer conair nach rochet renna na n-arm.

Ro-segat renna na n-áer conair nach rochet renna na n-arm.

(reach * points * of satire * in a way * that not * reach * points * of the * weapons)

The points of satire hit home in a way that the points of weapons do not.

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